We are constantly seeking partnership with corporate citizens, both local and overseas, to help deserving youth for a brighter future. Your donation, in cash or kind, will greatly help make a difference to deserving youth.
Pease contact the President of Thai Youth Community Foundation at e-mail: peter@thaiyouthcommunity.org
“A coin you give blesses the life of a Hill Tribes & Thai Child in Thailand. Please help us to help them “
Profits from selected value-for-money package of tea will be donated to help education and improve the lives of the less privileged Hiil Tribes & Thai children.
Community Enterprise Register no.5711000159
Good health easily. Just drink tea. No caffeine 100%. Drink before bed. It makes you sleep very well. Dragon blood tea...healthy tea. Take care from today :) Better than spending money to see a doctor.
Dragon’s Blood Tea properties:
* Help dissolve blood clots
* Help clean blood* Nourish blood
* Reduce blood pressure
* Help balance the body
* Reduce blood sugar
* Help reduce cholesterol
* Help nourish your skin to be bright Reduce oily face
* Relieve symptoms Joint pain
* Helps to nourish the heart
* Helps nourish the eyes
* Take care of the kidneys to work better, Diuretic
* Helps nourish the lungs and heart
* Helps prevent breast cancer
* Helps take care of the uterus